Industrial cable & electrical components

At Orion Cable & Electrical, we don’t just offer top-quality products and services; we have a dedicated team that’s committed to making your experience exceptional. Let’s introduce you to the individuals behind the scenes who ensure our success is synonymous with your success.

Our Team:

  1. Managing Director – Wimpie Kotze: The visionary leader who drives our commitment to excellence.
  2. Sales & Marketing Executive – Rodney van der Westhuizen: The expert who ensures you get the right solutions for your needs.
  3. General Manager / Client Liaison / Admin – Adel Kotze: The backbone of our operations, making sure everything runs smoothly.
  4. Operations Support Manager – Hazel van der Nest: The one who helps you when you need it most, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.
  5. Book Keeping / Accounts Manager – Theunis Hamer: Ensuring everything adds up and runs smoothly.
  6. Accountants – Profcor (PTY) Ltd – Chris Naude: The financial experts who keep our books in order.
  7. Legal / Contracts – Pienaar Kemp Incorporated – Gideon Pienaar: Our legal partners to ensure everything is done by the book.

At Orion Cable & Electrical, our team is dedicated to your success. We work closely with you, offering a wide range of services, from on-site meetings to turnkey solutions, to ensure you have the right products and support for your unique needs. Contact us today, and let’s work together to power your success!

For any inquiries or to explore our full range of services and products, feel free to get in touch with us at the provided contact details. Orion Cable & Electrical is here to make your industrial, automotive, manufacturing, and construction projects more efficient and successful.

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